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A Simplified Approach to Online Procurement

SecureBids is an easy-to-use procurement platform that simplifies the bidding process for public agencies. Expand vendor outreach, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with one powerful solution.

See SecureBids in Action

A Simplified Approach to Online Procurement

Solicit and manage the receipt of time-sensitive bids, proposals, and qualifications with complete security and transparency.

Streamline Submissions

Manage and receive electronic bids and submissions with ease, allowing you to reclaim valuable time and reduce administrative burden.

Easily Manage Vendors

Free for vendors, Securebids allows you to seamlessly engage using automatic opportunity alerts and streamlined communication.

Receive Dedicated Support

Empower your success with our team of trusted procurement experts, who will provide you with any help, support, and training you need.

Experience, Affordable, Secure, and Controlled Bidding

SecureBids provides an intuitive, powerful platform with all the tools you need to successfully solicit and manage bid opportunities.

Real-Time Tracking

Gain actionable insights into your bidding activities and key metrics like number of bids, time remaining, and vendors engaged.

Unlimited Users

Add as many administrators, evaluators, and other users as you need at no extra cost. Control user permissions for different access levels.

Automated Notifications

Set up triggers to automatically alert vendors of new opportunities, addendums, and other updates to keep them engaged.

Unlimited Support

Our team provides complimentary support for both agencies and vendors to ensure a smooth experience.

Customizable Fields and Forms

Tailor bid forms to your exact needs with a variety of field types like text, numbers, files, signatures, and more.

Complete Security

All bids are stored in a secure database and can only be accessed by authorized users at a designated date and time.

No More Paper.
No More In-Person Bid Openings.
One Affordable, Unlimited Solution.

What Our Users Say


"Our organization's overall experience with SecureBids has been very positive. Using SecureBids has made our department more efficient making bid day less labor intensive and allowing us to the share the information with ease. The customer service provided has been top notch since the day we started with SecureBids. The staff is extremely responsive and there to help at the drop of a hat."

Kathie P.
Facilities Project Manager

Transform The Way You Manage Procurement with SecureBids

SecureBids works to streamline vendor management and bidding solicitations without compromising compliance and security, providing you with an efficient and effective procurement solution.

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